One other good aspect of MAP is that, there are now many people from all over the world that needs this knowledge even now more than ever, as this unwanted pandemic has forced more and more people and small businesses to move their businesses online full time.

Or work from home in order to minimise their contact with other people as much as possible and to stay safe.

Besides, online marketing provides businesses with customers far beyond their immediate reach, and into towns and cities beyond what they wouldn’t otherwise have reached.

The potential to solve this problem is therefore enormous.

This therefore offers you a huge opportunity to sell as many of these business packages as you can.

The Training To Meet The Challenge

Inside MAP, you will find some training packages that shows you also, how to do the selling; but I have also been around the block enough number of times to know of even better short cuts when it comes to selling.

Selling, selling strategies and techniques is something you have to learn if you would like to work from home and online. You cannot be a plumber just because you bought some plumbing tools from the hardware shop.

You have to learn the trade itself. The same applies here.

And this is EXACTLY what you offer, which are the MAP products set.

The short cut training included in the package and explained below, provides you with an accelerated course that will enable you to get off the starting blocks as quickly as possible.

You will acquire the skills to building a very large targeted list very quickly without spamming anyone, or calling even data brokers, by using our secrete, but also very highly technical traffic generation methods and networks that would be made available to you.

And more so, you will be able to do all these without the need to building even a single landing page, or any stupid and complicated funnels and tunnels the guru’s way. None Of Them!

It is the fastest, and the most efficient and effective targeted traffic system you would have the privilege to come to work with.

The traffic quality is equal to if not superior than that of Facebook and/or YouTube as you will come to see, and readily available in volumes to be tapped into; and at a much cheaper cost to be believed. 

As a result, you get to market ONLY to as many of these targeted clients on your list who are interested in wanting to know “how to do digital marketing” and or work from home.

It is that simple. See it to believe it!

And if this is how you would now want to build your list and do your marketing from here on, then this business model is for you!

That way they can also acquire the knowledge of doing digital marketing or working from home. More importantly, it also ensures quick returns on your investment.

This is how you solve problems and provide something of value at the same time.

The more of these people that gets on your list, the quicker you will make more money. And the training you will acquire as part of the supplementary package is very targeted to meet this objective.

How quickly your list grows will depend on your ad budget. This you will understand much better as you go through the course and prepares to set your marketing system up.

As pointed out earlier, this MAP business model is like a franchise, and as such you will first have to buy into it.